
Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Dream Within A Dream

A Dream Within A Dream I think this poem is a very good poem and I like it. It made me seem that it all happened to me and when I read the poem it made me feel like if it happened to me and I knew how it felt to lose something to. I think that the author was trying to tell us that he was in his days… which means he is going to pass away. At least that’s what I think. I noticed that he wants to show us what he is going through with his words. The I have it all.

Monday, September 24, 2012


* adroit-expert or nimble in the use of the hands or body. The science teacher explain how the adroit works with her jesters. *amicable-characterized by or showing goodwill; friendly; peaceable I am very amicable when it comes to my friends or meetign mew people. *averse-having a strong feeling of opposition, antipathy, repugnance My dad had an averse to what was going to happen next in the movie. *belligerent-warlike; given to waging war Many children think that belligerent is good to end things when they have a problem. *benevolent-characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings I had benevolent about how this year was going to be. *cursory-going rapidly over something, without noticing details; hasty; superficia I try to go cursory over my history notes before I took the test today. *duplicity-deceitfulness in speech or conduct, as by speaking or acting in two different ways to different people concerning the same matter; double-dealing. A drama teacher can duplicity any thing he want to do because they know how to act. *extol-to praise highly; laud; eulogize People can extol anyone they want. *feasible-capable of being done, effected, or accomplished I was feasible to get my vocabulary done. *grimace-a facial expression, often ugly or contorted, that indicates disapproval, pail There are people that judge everyone on how grimace they are. *holocaust-a great or complete devastation or destruction, especially by fire. I was very holocaust about my grade was for the test. *impervious-not permitting penetration or passage; impenetrable people are rude sometimes that they dont give a impervious for everyone. *impetus-a moving force; impulse; stimulus My dad wanted to impetus when he tried moving me out of his way. *jeopardy-hazard or risk of or exposure to loss, harm, death, or injury In the story The Giver the new borns are capable to jeopardy. *meticulous-taking or showing extreme care about minute details; precise; thorough When you are at a hospital and there is a doctor there, they are very meticulous for everything. *nostalgia-a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time I am very nostalgia to see my family from Kuntucky again. *quintessence-the pure and concentrated essence of a substance In my Anatamy class we have to be carful with all the quintessence when we are doing a lab. *retrogress-to go backward into an earlier and usually worse condition I dont want to be retrogressed to the worst time of my life. *scrutinize-to examine in detail with careful or critical attention. When you have a hard class you have to scrutnize everything to get it right. *tepid -moderately warm; lukewarm Im always tepid when I am at home.

Monday, September 17, 2012


Allude- of allusion (refute to something the author wants us to know)
There was a part in the story that was alluding at some part in the story.
Clairvoyant- able to precede things beyond since.
When I was in the class and I thought that I was clairvoyant.
Conclusive- final
I am glad that it was the conclusive week of school.
Disreputable- poor reputation
I don’t want to have a disreputable when I am done with high school.
Endemic- privacies in a place
We had to endemic the peanut and the jelly on the big piece of bred.
Exemplary-of a worthy exponent
My friends was exemplary their teachers to make them look cool.
Fathom- measure of nautical death (to understand)
I read a book and those characters where in a fathom part that they were really scared.
Guile- to trick
I had to guile me dad to give me the car I wanted.
Integrity- integrate though words and actions
My dad was kind of integrity when he was talking to me.
Itinerary- trip schedule
I have an itinerary and I am stressing out about it.
Misconstrue- misunderstand
When the history teacher was explaining what we were going to do I misconstrued it to my friend.
Obnoxious- annoying, loud, rude
My brother was getting kind of obnoxious when he plays the trumpet.
Placate- calm down or satisfy
When I am at home I am very placated.
Placid- calm, peaceful
When I go to work it is very placid when there is not one at the store.
Plagiarism- taking someone else work and calling it yours.
Plagiarism can be used by doing our homework by copying it and calling it ours.
Potent- powerful
God is so potent even though he is not here on earth.
Pretext- reason for doing something
I thought about pretext my homework for math class.
Protrude- stick out
I like wearing bright colors because it makes me protrude from everybody.
Stark- obvious or clear
It was stark what I had to do for homework.
Superficial- shallow or at the surface level
The student was very superficial from getting an “A” in the class.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

what I thought about mind amplifiers prezi !!!!!!

I also liked the verbal communication too and Dr. Preston i really didn't know about the QR either. I'm glad that their is different ways to learn new things then just reading out of a text book.

The Laughing Heart

· Charles Bukowski calls the poem The Laughing Heart.
· I think that this poem is ironic. I also think the poem means that we should live our life to the fullest.
· Charles Bukowski didn’t have a very good childhood when he was growing up. I think he was trying to tell us that we should live our life to the fullest no matter what and to have a good life.
· I went to Google and typed in Levi’s Go Forth. Then it took me to some web page and I got all the information that I needed there.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


MELANCHOLY- a gloomy state of mind, especially when habitual or prolonged; depression.
S- I was in a melancholy day when I heard that my mom was having a boy.
EXEMPLARY- worthy of imitation; condensable
S- My friends exemplary their teachers to make them look cool..
PECULIAR- strange; queer; odd
S- There was a peculiar happening in the end of the story.
DREAD- to fear greatly; be in extreme apprehension of something
S- a move that I saw had a part that all the characters were dread to death.
BOUGH- a branch of a tree
S- There was a bough that fell and destroyed the house next door to me.
PIOUS- having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for god or an earnest wish to fulfill religious obligations
S- In the story of Goodman Brown showed some pious of a devil.
EXEMPLARY- worthy of imitation; commendable
S- There was an exemplary conduct.
COMMUNION- often-initial capital letters also called Holy Communion.
S-My friends were talking about their first communion for church.
AUDITOR- a person appointed and authorized to examine accounts and accounting records comparing the change with vouchers, verify balance sheets and income items.
S-My dad had to auditor everything on his job applications.
MULTITUDE- a great number
S- I have a multitude of friends that are very nice.
ELOQUENCE- the practice or act of using language with fluency and aptness
S- I have a flow of eloquence when I speak Spanish and English.
DESPAIR- loss of hope
S- Young Goodman Brown had some despair because he was confused about what happened.
HOARY- ray or white age
S- An old dog with a hoary muzzle was walking down the street when I was driving.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

what I learned about online.

I learned that all sites or adds on the side of the internet or on Facebook can carry a virus and that is bad for the computer.. We shouldn't click on anything that is there because it can mess up out computer. Also the pop ups that are on the computer we should click them because it can carry a virus.

what I thought about mss..

I though it was a good thing that I read that because I was getting confused with what was the difference between the sign and the symbol but now I do. My definition for signs is like something that you see everyday or something that I always there to see. Also symbols to me was like something like a picture or words that represent something that we don't see everyday.

what i tought about YGB

I though it was a good story I was very intrusted with it... I also though that it was a good story because I didn't know if it was a dream or what it was.I was glad that I liked because I really haven't found a book that I i am more intrusted in but that story was a good one...I am looking forward on reading more of those stories though out the year.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"aha" wat I remember !!!!!!!

i though that symbols and signs were the same thing.But I just remembered in class that they are not... Symbols is something that represents something else. and that signs is something that accusers naturally and its seen all the time.


encomium -a formal expression of high praise; eulogy: An encomium by the President greeted the returning hero.
coherent - logically connected; consistent: A coherent argument.
belabor - to explain, worry about, or work at (something) repeatedly or more than is necessary: He kept belaboring the point long after we had agreed.
eschew - to abstain or keep away from; shun; avoid: To eschew evil.
acquisitive -tending or seeking to acquire and own, often greedily; eager to get wealth, possessions, etc.: our acquisitive impulses; There was an acquisitive societies.
emulate - to try to equal or excel; imitate with effort to equal or surpass: to emulate one's father as a concert violinist.
arrogate -to claim unwarrantably or presumptuously; assume or appropriate to oneself without right: to arrogate the right to make decisions.
banal-devoid of freshness or originality; hackneyed; trite: A banal and sophomoric treatment of courage on the frontier.
excoriation-the act of excoriating. Students don't want to excoriate their actions they do.
congeal-to change from a soft or fluid state to a rigid or solid state, as by cooling or freezing: The fat congealed on the top of the soup.
carping-characterized by fussy or petulant faultfinding; querulous: carping criticism.
substantiate-to establish by proof or competent evidence: I had to substantiate a charge in my life.
temporize-to be indecisive or evasive to gain time or delay acting. I want temporize this words more.
largesse-generous bestowal of gifts. I sometimes give my friend a largesse.
tenable-capable of being held, maintained, or defended, as against attack or dispute: My teacher had a tenable theory about something.
insatiable-not satiable; incapable of being satisfied or appeased: insatiable hunger for knowledge for his brain.
reconnaissance-the act of reconnoitering.;we had a reconnaissance on what we should know.
germane-closely or significantly related; relevant; pertinent: my teacher said "Please keep your statements germane to the issue."
ramify-to divide or spread out into branches or branchlike parts; extend into subdivisions. ; The government is ramify into so many things.
intransigent- refusing to agree or compromise; uncompromising; inflexible.: I try not to intransigent with my parents and family.
taciturn- inclined to silence; reserved in speech; reluctant to join in conversation. ; my brother was yelling and then he turned taciturn for a while.
invidious - calculated to create ill will or resentment or give offense; hateful: invidious remarks.; Although I don't like making invidious things some times its necessary.

Monday, September 3, 2012


· “Couple loves… Saying I love u” – that shows that he doesn’t want to leave her. It shows a bond of two people.

· Pink Ribbon- He can tell the difference with all women he sees because she has a pink ribbon. That’s what makes faith herself.

· Devil- symbol of danger. Something bad is going to happen.

· Forests-can be a place that something bad can happen or to me it can be a place to get away from people.

· Faith “his wife”- can be a symbol of something that stays with u all the time. Goodman Brown has his wife and she will always be there for him.

· Dream-symbol of something that is false but can happen. Want to know what’s going to happen next and maybe wanting to make it true.

· Life “takes a bullet for someone”- Goodman Brown will do anything for his wife faith and he doesn’t want anything to happen her. It can be a symbol of love.